You want what’s best for them,
but you can’t always control
what life brings their way.
We’re here to help them (and you)
navigate experiences.
Life experiences can sometimes come too hard or too fast for young ones to handle alone. Our therapists are trained to help children and adolescents (ages 12 and up, or younger children presenting with any eating disorder symptoms) using a variety of techniques, such as play therapy, so they can meet them where they’re at both emotionally and developmentally.
Our child and teen services provide your child with a safe environment where they, and you, can learn skills to manage situations, behavior, overwhelming emotions, and other challenges that can be unknown and hard for young ones. Giving your child an open space to grow and navigate their challenges can impact them for the rest of their life – from how easily they navigate relationships to where they find success and how they manage their emotions and behavior. Equipping them with healthy mental health coping strategies at a young age is an investment in their future.